The Healing Power of Visionary Art Work
Visionary Artwork, From The Studio, 2021
Have you ever been so awestruck by a work of art that it changed you? As if in a flash something new emerged from your life that you felt so drawn to it, that you undoubtedly knew in that moment there is an intrinsic connection between you and The Universe, and you just had to move towards it?
I know I have and it completely changed my life.
“The Visionary Arts have the ability to encapsulate a collective field of awareness that taps into the mystical presence of our being. While transcending the physical realm, it moves us into the spiritual dimension where the soul opens up and the Artist taps into an ‘out of body experience’. Emerging from this state of flow, the Visionary Artist is like a scribe, having documented the sacred journey portrayed through a moment in time.” — Nimea Ariana
It was 2017 and I had really just begun emerging myself back into the arts. You see I had taken some time off to heal, and uncover meaning to some of the experiences I was having around my career.
I wanted to feel happier, healthier and more whole as I produced my work. Ultimately, I believed it would lead me to feel more confident about myself, my ideas and reduce burnout.
Eventually that belief lead me to write, paint and draw, knowing that one day I would also attain my prior goals of returning to build massive experiential environments.
I’ve always loved inviting people into my ‘other worlds’. Inspiring them to re-discover a more playful and adventurous side of themselves, I was looking for a path that would lead me to the peak of creativity.
Interestingly enough, I had no idea the way forward was finding that within me first.
It was not what I expected.
It’s funny how art heals but it’s true. In order to help others, you must learn how to help yourself first.
Healing is non-linear and the way forward will become clear as you continue to discover what makes you tick, and maintain a sense of self-acceptance that won’t rattle you in times when you get sick, nervous or are just unsure of the the next step.
Healing helps you find tips, tools and tricks that offer support and encourage you to dig deeper while finding meaning to your experiences in life.
I feel like art can heal us is so many ways that often rattle the mind. It tests us to push our boundaries and concepts of reality, while it encourages us to stop and listen to our heart-mind-body-soul connection. It makes you feel things you may have wanted to ignore but it will also help you soothe yourself as well.
In my opinion, it helps you find the mirror for your soul.
What moves me so much about art is that it adds depth, not just to the external physical spaces of our lives, but also to the added value of our minds. It creates a connection between you and the artist, and the spirit that inspires us both to live our lives.
You see we all have triggers that in some way task our minds with the objective to find greater depths of peace, then to go out into the world and build upon that in our every day realities. Finding that level of perspective enables us to support others through our knowledge, and ability to create. Ultimately, encouraging others to accept their own creative abilities.
And yet at times, we can all experience feelings of becoming stuck or stagnant within our selves. Uncertainty is like boredom… it actually helps us find our way forward.
That’s whats so great about art, it allows the mind to be still for a moment and bask in the light of the bigger picture. It strikes us at just the right moment to “unstick” us and acts as a catalyst to our dreams. Which is what helps us find our answers.
When I look back at my life and see how art has always been the bridge to my sense of peace, I notice how diving into my mind, while painting or drawing has always enabled me to find clarity, wander without wondering and experience altered states of consciousness, similar to psychedelics.
Psychedelics were a tool I found in a time of great need, where I was reawakening the artist within me. I wanted to learn more about my natural state of being, and my ability to experience such transcendant states. In meditation, my eyes became open, energy work shifted my aura and in time, as I allowed myself to explore a bit, I found psychedelics could offer me perspective. Learning to grasp the connection between the artwork I had been producing and the dream states I was encountering, I felt as though I had found my niche.
It was only through time, and a return to art, that I became more aware of how I feel when grounded in self-acceptance, reassured of who I am and finding my flow in tune with the Universe as a whole. When I allow my mind to wander, my heart to lead and my vision to empower my creative evolution, my soul speaks.
Emergence: Drawing XXI, 2013-2014
And so, as we approach each day through the perspective that Visionary Art can heal, we emerge on the path of The Artist’s Way. Every human being has the ability to create. Inviting us into altered states, The Visionary Artist is here to help you set off on a path to discover the Higher Plan. Opening us up to the power of The Universe, Visionary Art guides us along the path of re-defining the story of our lives through the mystical realms, where all is possible.
When The Visionary Artist taps into those altered states of reality, they embody that into their work and the work becomes a mirror for the world.
As if pages straight out of the big book.
It reminds us all to look within for answers and to discover our hidden potential. Then reach out into the world and grab the tools that are needed to create something unexpected.
Some may wonder “Oh what it would be like to be that artist?”, from my own experience I’ve discovered within the question lays the answer.
Because in the very moment you speak that question into existence, in some other time and space that artist is feeling the collective, and is on journey with all who will come to know this space. Embodying that energy into every stroke of paint, word on a page and or melody in a song, allowing it to pour through them effortlessly, as if The Universe is exactly where it’s come from.
The Visionary Artist answered a call, had a conversation with God and trusted in that moment, The Universe would provide.
Over the years I’ve come to understand Visionary Art to be many things, but the greatest gifts I’ve discovered about it to date are:
Visionary Art heals us from a multi-dimensional perspective.
Finding peace through a piece of artwork happens when you align for it.
Creating space for what you want in life, opens you up for the Universe to provide what is needed to achieve it.
What you want and what you need may be entirely different.
There is always more to learn about our human potential. The best way forward to serve is through Self-Mastery.
The Artist in a conduit for Spirit.
Spirit flows through us.
Whether you are on the path to find your soul’s purpose, or to discover the healing power of art and invite a new piece of peace into your life, open your heart to what The Universe provides and answer the call as the stars align for it… know you have already found it, and so it shall arrive.
There is a saying I love to live, “When you know, you know.”
xo Nimea